Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering, Biotechnology, Engineering, Pathology
Punjab Agricultural University
Dr. Arun Kumar graduated with a Ph.D. in Biotechnology from Punjab University, Chandigarh and CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, H.P. India in 2013. Thereafter, he joined Prof. AC Kushalappa’s group as postdoctoral fellow at Department of Plant Science, McGill University, Canada from 2013-2015. Later on, he moved to USA to join Prof. Shelley Jansky and Dr. Dennis Halterman’s group at Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA from 2015-2017. Arun was awarded with prestigious Ramanujan Fellowship in 2017, and joined School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. Recently, he has transitioned as a senior scientist at CSIR-IHBT, Palampur in India.
His research interests and long term goals are: (1) to identify enzymes with novel functions and exploit them in healthcare and agriculture industry (2) to understand the mechanisms of genetic resistance in crops against bacterial and fungal pathogens at the molecular and biochemical levels and exploit this information for crop improvement.
CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, India