As a Khorana Scholar 2014, I was fortunate to get an opportunity to work with Dr. Richard Vierstra at UW Madison for a summer. Carrying the amazing learning experience in heart, I went back to Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, my alma mater, to finish my integrated bachelor’s and master’s degree in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology. In 2015, I came back to Madison and began my graduate school in the Integrated Program in Biochemistry, UW-Madison. I am an aspiring chromatin biologist, training in Dr. Peter Lewis’s lab in epigenetics theme at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery.
My undergraduate studies at IIT-Delhi, research internship at Daiichi Sankyo Pharmaceutical and in UW-Madison as a Khorana Scholar not only strengthened the passion for pursuing Science but instilled the importance of networks and bonds which is one of the core philosophical element of Khorana-Bose programs.
Over the summer of 16, I worked with my fellow Khorana scholar Sanjan and Dr. Aseem Ansari, two incredible individuals I admire to the core of my heart. Mentoring 2016 Khorana and Bose scholars was a wonderful experience that I would cherish forever.